Our boat is a 2002 Duffy 18' Classic. Many systems and components are common across models and years.
It is up to you to determine if this information applies to your boat or not.
The heater system may be hazardous. Here are the risks to check for:
The heater has separate in-line fuses for the fan and heater power supplies. The heater also has two temperature activated switches. One acts as a thermostat, opening and closing power to the heating element at a set temperature (140F). The other acts as an over-temperature switch that will turn off the heater element if the internal air temperature reaches 160F. There is a manual reset button on the over-temperature switch.
The contactor is located in the Starboard battery compartment. When the key switch is turned on, you should hear the contactor close (a loud "clack"). When the key switch is turned off, you should hear the contactor open to its default power off, normally open, state.
Our part is a White-Rodgers 120-105111 coil 12V DC contactor (Specifications PDF)